Sunday, March 15, 2015

My Beginning into a BDSM Relationship

Written By Keisha Hudson 


I have always walked a fine line between bad and good. In a healthy relationship that can be pleasurable for my mate. I'm not the average Jane who just wants to settle down with a house and white picket fence. No, that would be incredibly sane for me. I'm not admitting to being a wild party girl either. The clubs have never been my seen. I'm more of a get my own bottle and enjoy time with my man type of woman. However, lately I have been having these wild desires rushing through my head ever since I started reading, "50 Shades of Grey." This book is mostly appealing to me because of the type of man that I have. He is so loving and sweet to me. But he suffers from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Yes my man is a control freak. And I love every minute of it.

When my Mr. Big walks into a room you can feel his "Alpha Male" presence all around the room. I secretly watch the way women stairs at him. Instead of me being intimidated. It has been a great turn on for me. Because I know the great pleasure he gives me when we are alone. My wild imagination has been running wild for some time now. I finally decided to introduce some bondage into my sex life. Not thinking he would ever go along with the idea. I just wanted to try something new for us. And to my surprise, he was more excited about the idea than me.


I walked into the Lion’s Den Adult Store with a little fear in my mind. Because I felt like I was finally letting my inner goddess do the thinking for me. And I think she is a bad girl with the thoughts of "Pain & Pleasure" on her mind. The sexiest thing about BDSM is only you & your mate get to connect with each other on a higher level by allowing trust to guide your relationship. At least this is the way we started out.

That day in the Adult Store I bought handcuffs with cheetah print fur, a black blind fold with a black gag ball attached to it, and a nice small bullet for my own pleasure. Of course I got some edible lubrication because every man wants a good blow job. So while they are receiving pleasure you should always get a nice taste in your mouth. I almost forgot to mention I bought some anal crème too. My man has been begging me to let him try that on me for years now. I finally got the nerve to say yes. I even bought a paddle too but I just threw it behind the bed. This is still BDSM for beginners, we can play hard later. Let's just say that day and night ended in "Pain & Extreme Pleasure." 



  1. You have such an interesting blog. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading your posts. All the best for your future blogging journey.

    1. Thank you Mr.Sridhar, I appreciate your comment & yes I plan to have fun with this blog...
